Who is the person who changes the railway track to shift train from one track to another?

Who is the person who changes the railway track to shift train from one track to another?

This is a very important and always it comes to our mind when we travel through trains.

Lets gets the full from an expert.

At the time of passing a station, you may have seen two house types structures at both ends of a station.

They look like this

They are called a cabin.

Normally there are two cabins situated at both ends of a station.

As per the direction, they are named as North, South, East or West cabin of that station.

Station name also is written on the wall of that cabin indication the North, East, South or West.

The inner side of that cabin mostly looks like this.

A series of different colour handles were placed in this cabin. They are called levers.

The person is on duty at this cabin are called cabin man. If the station counted as a busy station with a heavy traffic movement ASM(Assistant Station Master) posted at those cabins.

SM or station Master office is at the platform.

Normally SM is informed about the switching of any train from one track to another as per requirement by section controller.

SM will convey that order to cabin man or ASM posted at the cabin.

Cabin man now operate those lever to switching that train like this

After completing the task he will return that information to SM.

Now approaching train will receive the signal of switching his track. Loco pilot will control his train as per signalling sequence and finally divert from his track to another one.

Here in this image a train coming from your view side will divert to the right direction.

You can see on this image the left point is connected and the right point is open.

But at present time cabins become obsolete or non-functional at mostly in Indian Railways.

The levers are replaced by electrically controlled relay. SM or ASM can do the whole operations by pressing only one or two switches.

As per pressing of particular switches route or points of a coming train will automatically be adjusted.

This system includes also signals.

Now SM or ASM offices look like this.

The system is called RRI or Route Relay Interlocking.

A small box placed beside the points and as per electrical instruction, it operates the switch rail.

You can the box on the left side of this image.

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