What is the possibility of train workers who are just working on the tracks having a train crash into them? Get the details of safety aspects from an expert.

During the train journey we all se that some railway men working on railway track. Most of us think how dear they to work on railway track?

But it is their job and they have to do that jobs daily. Do Railways have some safety precautions as they doesn't crashed by running train. 

Here you get the details of all the safety aspects provided from Railway administration.. 

Workers working on railway tracks are mainly from the permanent way department.

There are mainly two types of workers working on the railway track.

Track Man and Key Man.

Trackman working on a railway track in groups. In railway term, they are called gangs.

They working on a predefined area of railway track.

What is the possibility of train workers who are just working on the tracks having a train crash into them

As per the demand of repair through inspection, these areas are marked before actual working start on that.

If the works are heavy and will take maximum time, then a traffic block issue for a particular time on that railway track

This types of blocks issue after getting positive signals from all related department of railways traffic movement.

So if traffic block issue then there will be no chance of arrival of a train on that railway track within that particular time of traffic block.

Secondly, it is not always possible to take a traffic block for maintenance works. So, there is a different approach to apply with full security of railway workers working on running railway track.

The system is putting the detonator signal with banner flags.

What is the possibility of train workers who are just working on the tracks having a train crash into them

It is red colour piece of cloth with two sticks.

So far my knowledge starting from the area where trackman is working first banner flag placed before 45 meters on approaching train.

Second banner flag placed 45 meters before that banner flag.

Then four detonators are placed on the railway track at a distance of 10 m, 10, 600 m and 600 m.

What is the possibility of train workers who are just working on the tracks having a train crash into them

Detonator placed on railway track

Two-track main posted on two banner flags with both red and green hand flags.

So approximately more than 1200 meters from the area of work is totally secure from any mishap.

Another layer of safety is a caution order. This a written instructions given to Loco pilot indicate the areas of working of trackmen by km numbers.

It is a very very important paper for Loco Pilot at the time of train driving. All loco pilot strictly follow those instructions with utmost rigidity.

So there is practically no chance that railwayman crashing by train theoretically unless it follows properly as per guidelines.

Another layer is the lookout man. So far my knowledge minimum two trackmen are deployed as a lookout the man at the area of working of a gang.

Their job is only to look at the railway track for coming of any train and warned all the trackmen about that.

Another type of worker working on a railway track as I said earlier on this answer. They are a key man.

They working in two men group. They have a certain distance of railways track as their working area.

They checked the keys of railway tracks. Keys are the most important in connection with railway safety.

Keys hold the railway track on sleepers tightly so that they can't be displaced.

Key man works are to check the all keys throughout a certain km distance of railway track.

Key man travel in the opposite direction of a train coming. So that they can see the approaching train easily.

All the track men are supplied a fluorescent orange colour shirt with stripe. It is must for them to wear at the time of duty on railway track.

What is the possibility of train workers who are just working on the tracks having a train crash into them

Through this type of shirt they can visible by loco pilot from far. It is another layer of safety.  

Railway admiration try to secure his employees through rules and regulations in all respects.

But lastly, I want to repeat after so many systems of security a mass numbers of trackmen and key men lost their life during on duty.

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