Why is sand poured into the compartment near the wheel of a railway engine? What is the actual need ?

Trains and Locomotives always fascinated us. There are many such things which we see in railway station, railway line, and other various places related to railways. 

But we can'not understand the actual purpose of those. We all are habituated to see that sand is often poured in box near the wheels of a locomotive. We amazed that what is the necessity  or connection of sand with the train movement.

This is a very important job related to train movement. here you will get all the details. Stay till the end.

Train’s wheels are made of steel and it is running on metal railway tracks. Metal to metal friction is very less. Due to the heavy weight of locomotive and wagons, a countable friction is created between wheel and track. This friction helps locomotive to move through rolling of wheels.

However, for any reasons, mainly during the rainy season, the rainwater comes between wheels and the railway track. This rainwater then works as lubricant and reduces the friction between wheels and track.

Thus, the wheel starts slipping. Traction motors roll the wheels but due to less tractive force causing less frictional force, locomotive cannot move. Loco wheels start rolling or slipping at one place of railway track.

These tyes of the phenomena are very harmful to both locomotive wheels and railways tracks. It creates skidding marks on wheels and tracks. Sometimes, the locomotive is unable to pull load and train become stall in a block section.

Why is sand poured into the compartment near the wheel of a railway engine?
Why is sand poured into the compartment near the wheel of a railway engine?

It hampers train movement in that section. Another light engine is to be sent this time to work as banking to clear the block section pushing from the rear.

It consumes time and all the trains run late. Railway always tries to avoid this situation.

Sand is an effective material to create extra friction and it is easily available. So railway engineers make arrangements to carry the sand with loco so that it can be used when required.

That’s why, sandbox is introduced near the wheels and sand must be filled up at the charge take over and made point of the train.

This sand is used by two types. One is automatic and another is manual.

 Loco pilot has to test the manual process of sanding at the time of taking charge through the manual pressing switch from the loco cab. Assistant Loco Pilot's Duty is to check whether sandboxes are all full of sand or not. If not, sand is to be filled up.

At the time of wheel slipping loco pilot can spray sand on railway track by pressing the pedal switch from his locomotive cab. 

All six axles has six traction motors fitted or mounted on axle. Normally all the traction motors consume same amount of electricity as they rotate at approximately same speed. 

But at the time of wheel slipping the rotation of axles become different. So the consumption of electricity will now become different. 

A special type of electrical relay fitted in locomotive. This relay become energies when this consumption of  difference of electricity occurred during wheel slipping. 

This relay is connected with the sanding system. Automatic sanding starts whenever Locomotive wheel slips through electrical arrangements. It energies the sanding switch automatically. 

Here is an image of a sand box.

Why is sand poured into the compartment near the wheel of a railway engine?
Thanks you for staying with me till the end. 

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