What is the detonators in Indian railway? How important are those detonators in terms of safety and how they use on practical field? Get the full information in this article from a expert.

What is the detonators in Indian railway? How are they important in terms of safety of passengers travelling in trains? It the one of main question always comes to our mind when we travel in trains. It also may possible that a good chunk of passengers travelling in trains don't hear about this word detonator connected with railway operations.

Here I try to gives you a complete and fair idea about what is the detonator and what are the importance and how they  practically use in railways.

It is detonator  

What is the detonators in Indian railway? How important are those detonators in terms of safety and how they use on practical field? Get the full information in this article from a expert.

Some details of Detonator

  1. It is red in colour. 
  2. The date of manufacturing is clearly engraving on the top of the detonator
  3. The life of detonator is seven years from the date of manufacture.
  4. After the expiry of this period, unused  detonators shall  be  returned  to  the  issuing  Officer  for  replacement. Detonators more than seven years old must not be used normally.
  5. The series of detonator must be tested practically before distribute to staff for practical use.
  6. This test done under minimum inspectores level of railway emploes of different department like Loco inspector from driving deportment, PWI (Permanent way inspector) from railway track departments,etc.
  7. This test is done by moving an empty wagon in 08 to 11 kmph speed over the detonator.
  8. A minimum safety distance of 45 meter must be maintain during this testing from that detonator.
  9. All staff those who are need to use detonators are given a set of 10 detonators in a box.
  10. Detonators shall be kept in the tin cases specially supplied and  they shall be stored in dry places and not left  in  contact with  the  brick  walls, damp wood, chloride  or  lime  or  other disinfectants, nor exposed to dampness or steam or other vapors.

During the fog you must have heard a sound of burst crackers on line when entering Station. That sound is a system Signal of Indian Railways. 

Here you get the details of those signals. It is very important signal in Railway in view of safety. It has three types of use. It also called detonator signals.

Here is pic how detonator look and placed in Railway track

What is the detonators in Indian railway

There are mainly three types of use of detonators  normally seen in railway.

During Fog 

1st in during fog. If fog weather notice is circulated in some sections then two fog signals are placed on railway track, one is 270 meter and 2nd one 280 meter before from inner distance signal to warn Loco Pilot about signals. When two fog signals burst 10 meter apart during fog Loco Pilot is aware that inner distance signal is next 270 meter. From inner distance signal you get idea the aspect of your home signal. In some case these two signals placed before home signal in same manner.

In abnormal situation 

2nd during any abnormal condition. If by any means a train is involved in an accident and adjacent line is blocked then Loco Pilot/ALP of that train put the detonator signals on the track adjacent to his track in opposite directions to avoid the next accident. ALP of that train should go forward and placed total 4 detonator signals in opposite directions of line . In this case distance are 600 meter, then again 600 meter and 10 meter and 10 meter total 4 detonators are to be placed on the opposite direction track from the Loco of that train. Counting of distance can done by counting of Electric pole. In straight line Electric pole are placed 72 meter apart. If by any means ALP can not reach that particular distance then he will put only one detonator on track as far he may reached. When opposite direction train burst two detonators 10 meter apart he must control his train for any abnormalities. Thus next accident will save. If only one detonator burst it is indicate that the place of accident is very neat. He then apply Emergency brake of his train rain.

At the time when PWI track man working on tracks

3rd during PWI working on line. This time this is use to ensure the safety of PWI trak men working on railway track.First detonator place 600 meter from working spot. Second detonator placed 1200 meter from the working spot.3rd and 4th detonators placed 1210 and 1220 meter from the working spot.

Another layer of safety also taken at types of working. The Banner Flag.

Banner flags is a red colour flag of 150 centimetres long and 45 centimetres wide in size and used stretched in middle of railway track to get attention of loco pilot from his locomotive cab. This types of two banner flags are also used before the working are of pwi workers.

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